Dear Success-Minded Person and Friend,
Our life is so filled with expectations of success that we hardly even meet them. And when we do, it's not what we thought it was going to be.
Only about 5% of the population actually become successful in their lives - true success. They are the ones that are able to unleash the power of their minds.
What is it that success means to you? If you cannot answer that truthfully, then don't be alarmed. You are just like 95% of the population that have tried and could not answer that simple question. Most people that pursue success - never really become successful.
The only true way to become successful is to be successful in our own minds first. We must think success. We must believe success.
What if you were able to unleash your own mind power for success in your own life?
Earl Nightingale, the founder of Nightingale-Conant, discovered in six words - the meaning of success - "We become what we think about."
Paul J. Meyer, founder of Success Motivation Institute, stated that success is "the progressive realization of a worthy goal."
It's so simple, yet so elusive. It's elusive because our minds have been programmed for failure. But not always. When we were young - 0-8 years old - we lived life filled with dreams. In those years, we took risks - not realizing that society thought it was wrong to do so. At least that's what we were told. During that time we were being programmed for failure-by our well-meaning parents, schools, friends, adults, and so forth. We were told that to dream big dreams were only for special people. People with wealth. People with talent. People with education.
We were told that only a small percentage of the population became successful and that the rest of us should just follow along. Go to school, get an education and get a job. That was our life.
I want to tell you right now - THAT'S A BUNCH OF STUPID, OLD-FASHIONED THINKING!
Everyone of us are special. You were made to succeed. You can change your mindset. Go after your own passion and worthy goals.
I went on a discovery to find the truth about success. And to change my mindset. I went to different motivational seminars - read a bunch of books - listened to dozens of tape programs. While they were all good - and I felt motivated to move on - it just didn't last. What was the missing ingredient?
After reading some more books and taking some more classes - I came across some information that may be the key to making all this information sink in. This information told me about how the subconscious mind is closed off to the conscious mind by a filter. Only in certain circumstances can the subconscious mind be accessed by the conscious mind. First through anxiety and second through hypnosis.
I decided to learn how hypnosis can help me and others to succeed. How it could take all the information I learned and really make it part of my subconsious mind. I studied at the only nationally accredited college of hypnosis in the United States - Hypnosis Motivation Institute - to learn how to help others using hypnosis.
From there- I went on to study NLP - which is how to model excellence using language. This is a very powerful technology of how to reprogram our minds for success. It's what Tony Robbins uses to help others to succeed.
How Can Hypnosis Help You?
Our minds are programmed from the time we are born. How we learn and how we behave can be attributed to our subconscious mind. Though our behavior cannot change - it can be adjusted. And how we learn can be changed. Like I said earlier - I've been to many seminars and read lots of books on success. It wasn't until I started implementing the reprogramming tools of success that my mind (and my actions) began to change.
Through a series of counseling sessions, which includes hypnosis, you will experience change for the positive. An experienced Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, and/or Success Coach will guide you through these sessions and help you formulate both a plan and reprogramming. Your negative programs will be replaced with positive, success-oriented ones.
On this website you'll find many hypnotherapists and success coaches that will help you to succeed. Each one has their own specialty. Pick one that fits your needs.
Much Success,
Bob Choat, MS, CHt, CTNLP
Peak Performance Coach, Certified Hypnotherapist
Certified Trainer in NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP)
EEG Neurofeedback Practitioner
Author and Motivational Speaker/Trainer
Martial Arts/Combatives Instructor (Trained in Jeet Kune Do [Full Instructor], Filipino Kali, Kali Silat [Full Instructor], Offensive Fighting Tactics/Extreme Street Survival [Full Instructor], Lung/Long Liung Shaolin Kenpo [1st Dan], Krav Maga, Shotokan, Shorin Ryu Karate, Ju-Jitsu, American Kenpo, IDX Combatives, Gary Alexander's H2HC & Personal Defense System, Aiki Jujitsu Idai Ryu, ARC Ryu Combat Karate, Kenjutsu, Charles Nelson's School of Self-Defense, Catch Wrestling, Boxing, Muay Thai, Shinja Defense System, Mixed Martial Arts, Total Protection System [1st Dan], World War II Combatives, Founder of American Combatives JKD)
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